Wednesday, May 8, 2013

   Yesterday afternoon, on 7th May, 2013 our French friends arrived in our school in Íllora. The school welcomed them, were we celebrated their arrival and we wished them a good and benefitious stay.
   We will give them all our best for it to be that way.
This is the third school exchange between IES Diego de Siloé and Collège Saint Joseph.
The three years the school has participated in the exchange it has been a sucess, it has been an excellenAt expierence for the students to learn about new cultures, new expierences and languages.

   Specially we would like to thank the French department and Irene for organising the exchange and we want to express our support in everything she needs.

   The school offered them a welcome snack, we also gave them different maps of the town and the activity program for the week, after this, every french correspondant left to stay with his/her family.
   Today, there is a cultural tour around the town, in which we will visit the main monuments, and the old parts of the town. In the town hall they will be recieved by the mayor and will be given a present. In the afternoon they stay with the family.



Saturday, May 4, 2013


Welcome to our blog of Bilingual Coordination!!
First of all, I'll make a short introduction to show you how it works: the Bilingual Project started in our school 5 years ago and is carried out by the English, Science and Maths departments, offering to our students the possibility of learning these subjects (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and History) in both languages (Spanish and English).

It is offered in Secondary Education by the bilingual team: Lola Moreno (English), Ignacio Mancera (Maths), Jose Miguel Pérez (Geography and History), Francisco de Reyes (Physics, Biology), Fernando Carrricondo (Chemistry) and Silvia Quiñones (English).

Why do we think the Bilingual Project is important?
It gives the students opportunities to increase their level of English in order to communicate with people from other countries and introducing them to  new cultures.

We show here some of the activities that the students involved in the project have done during this year.

We hope you find this blog dynamic, interesting, useful and you enjoy reading it, I also hope it provides a way of sharing our experiences, concerns etc. 


            Lola Moreno (Coordinadora Proyecto Bilingue).